Unlock untapped keyword
opportunities with ease

Find out if search engine results have weak spots like Quora , Reddit , forums or Low DA websites. Stop guessing and use data to uncover actual keywords with weaknesses.

See it in Action

Unlocked untapped keyword oppurtunities with ease

Find out if search engine results have weak spots like Quora , Reddit , forums or Low DA websites.Stop guessing and use data to uncover actual keywords with weaknesses.

Let AI do all the grind. AI Powered content research and content briefs helps you start writing like a pro which is rewarded by both organic visitors and search engines. Include NLP Terms, Cover content gaps and write SEO structured content in hours not days.

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Faster SERP Analysis Made Possible with LCKR

Bring In or Generate Your Keywords:

You can import your existing keyword list or generate your niche keywords using KWFinder.


Rapidly Analyze SERPs and Save Time

Uncover weak spots efficiently by Bulk SERP Analysis.


SERP based Clustering

Group similar intent keywords and rank multiple keywords for a page. Build topical authority with clusters.


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How do you identify untapped keywords?

The process of uncovering weak keywords involves a comprehensive analysis of Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). We are drawn to websites or forums that have achieved high rankings within the top 10 search results.
These signify opportunities where competition can be overcome with relative ease.
Our analysis is guided by the Domain Authority (DA) metric. Our focus centres on identifying websites with a DA below 30. but you can change the MAX DA settings and find the websites according to the settings.

What sorts of keywords are generated by the Keyword Finder?

The Keyword Finder presents an array of longtail keyword recommendations, all sourced directly from Google.
As we assess the SERP for a particular keyword, we go beyond the basics by extracting data from both the "People Also Ask" and "Related Searches" sections. This infusion of data results in a broader spectrum of keyword ideas to bolster your content strategy.

How are credits utilized?

We offer two distinct credit types:
1. Keyword Report Credits:
These credits enable you to create keyword reports.
1 Credit = 1 Keyword Report
2. SERP Analysis Credits:
These credits help you to analyze keywords within a report.
1 SERP Credit = 1 SERP Analysis

Do credits have a validity period?

For monthly and yearly packs, credits are renewed each month. It's important to note that credits from a subscription cycle do not carry over to the next month.

Can I import my preferred keywords and utilize the tool for analysis?

Absolutely! You can import your chosen keywords and utilize LCKR to conduct a thorough SERP analysis on them.

Which languages and countries do you support?

We support more than 65+ languages and 195+ Country locations.

Is this useful for my completely new website?

Absolutely! This is precisely why LCKR was developed.If you're the owner of a brand-new website, a starting-out publisher, or a blogger in the early phases, chances are your domain authority is still establishing itself.
When you're competing for high-traffic keywords in a fiercely competitive landscape, achieving substantial rankings can be a gradual process, potentially extending over months or even years.
LCKR steps in to address this exact scenario. It empowers you to attract traffic and initiate revenue generation by concentrating on keywords that your potential customers are actively searching for (and which your competitors might not have uncovered yet).

How does the concept of keyword clusters work?

Keyword clusters operate through the top 10 based SERP results and group similar keywords into clusters, relying on semantic connections.
Using advanced algorithms, LCKR tool examines the associations among keywords, identifying clusters that share similar meanings or address interconnected subjects.
This process assists you in arranging your keyword data, uncovering possibilities for content development, and refining your overall content strategy.

Why keyword clustering?

Keyword clustering acts as a content compass, guiding you to untapped keywords while identifying content gaps.
By structuring your keywords into clusters, you pave the way for crafting thorough content that speaks to a variety of correlated search queries.
The outcome? An uptick in your SEO performance, a climb up the search result ladder, and a surge in organic traffic.

Is it possible to set up SERP Similarity during cluster creation?

Certainly! Just head over to the Cluster Tab settings. Within this section, you have the freedom to adjust the SERP Similarity anywhere from 10% to 100%.

How can I optimize my article with secondary keywords?

Some secondary keywords are substantial enough to deserve inclusion within your H2 or H3 headings. In tandem, consider utilizing alternative forms and closely related terms of the primary keyword within the content's body.

Can I Export Report??

Yes! You can into spreadsheets.